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new english life

new english life

Though Renaissance began in 1453, its effect on English life and literature was felt after 1500. For this reason, it is generally accepted that Renaissance period began with the beginning of the 16th century and continued till 1660. This period was called the Renaissance period because Renaissance spirit was the main force that characterized the literature of this time. During Renaissance, the ancient learning started reviving. The revival of classical knowledge is called Renaissance. Its features are curious about more knowledge desire for unlimited wealth and power love for adventures humanism and the past. Thirsts for scientific and logical argument are also the driving forces of this period.

Bacon (1561-1626) can aptly be called a renaissance figure from different considerations. The works of bacon backed the above claim. Here it will be discussed how Renaissance had influenced Bacon. To take the instances from Essays of Bacon it is found that Bacon argued on the basis of some logical and scientific methods and processes. In the essay Of a truth, people are used to seeing truth from religious or metaphysical perspectives. Bacon established the secular aspects of speaking truths. In the essay of love, Bacon did not take the conventional way of argument. He explored that love has several manifestations. The lower category of love is “wanton” love focus on a single person. It is quite absurd to spend time for the cause of “little idol” i.e. women. Man is created for more than this-“for the contemplation of heaven and all noble objects”. Yet there has the chance to get affected by love. Sometimes even the careful persons cannot get rid of it. But the point is they have to limit the degree of expression in love. Otherwise, it can degrade the nature and value of things.

The degradation of nature and value of a person is done for the exaggeration that love is supposed to do for making his beloved pleased. This “speaking in perpetual” returns him as a dividend in terms of creating the habit of flattery and pride in him. Both flattery and pride do accelerate the downward pace of a person. Citing examples from the past the author says that being engaged brings nothing but poverty and ignorance. This is how the love of worst category downgrades the human being.

In the essay of Plantations Bacon supported colonization- a burning problem in Europe. The foundation of British Empire was being laid at that time. Supporters of colonization dealt with the problems relating to the plantations fo newly discovered country and the relationship between the savages and the white settlers. The author strongly suggested that in initial years of the plantation, the colonizers should not think of getting any profit from the colony. The logic as presented by the author is that if the profits are drawn from the plantation it would be destroyed and the rule could not take root in the soil. Bacon remarked: “For the principal thing that hath been the destruction of the most plantation, for a newly discovered country and the relationship between the savages and the white settlers. The author strongly suggested that in initial years of the plantation, the colonizers should not think of getting any profit from the colony. The logic as presented by the author is that if the profits are drawn from the plantation it would be destroyed and the rule could not take root in the soil. Bacon remarked: “For the principal thing that hath been the destruction of the most plantation, hath been the base ad hasty drawing of profit in the first year.” History supports the idea too. From this perspective, it is better not to take any profit or dividend from the newly planted area. SO it is seen that Bacon established the Renaissance values through his works. 

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