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upscale window treatments

upscale window treatments

what to do if your laptop freezes
Windows 7
1. Wait for some time.
2. Click on the start menu.
3. Type (run) in search space.
4. Now type (msconfig) and press enter.
A new tab will open
Select selective startup 
Then click on startup
Those unmarked which is not required like this picture

Now click on Apply
5. Now again open run 
Type prefetch and press enter.
Select all and delete enter.
6. After closing that window again open (run).
Type (temp) and press run.
Select all and delete enter.
7. Now again open run and type (%temp%) press enter
Select all and delete.
8. Again open run type (recent) press enter.
Select all and delete all.
9. Uninstall your unimportant software.
10. Open recycle bin software and click empty recycle bin option.

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